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BT= Broader Term NT= Narrower Term RT= Related Term UF=
Use For USE= Preferred Term
SN= Scope Note
Activity of potency
UF Potency energy
BT Basic research in homeopathy
Acute disease
SN An illness with
rapid onset (after EDH)
BT Disease concepts
Adverse effects
SN Noxious and unintended
responses produced by a drug in an organism,
different from the symptoms from which the organism is already suffering.
(Used with drugs, chemicals, or biological agents in
accepted dosage - or with physical agents or manufactured
products in normal usage - when intended for diagnostic,
therapeutic, prophylactic, or anaesthetic purposes.
It is used also for adverse effects or complications
of diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic, anaesthetic,
surgical or other procedures, but excludes contraindications
UF Drug pathogenesis
UF Side effects
BT Drug reactions
Aggravation factors
USE Aggravation
Aggravation modalities
SN Factors such
as time of day, weather, movement or
position of the body which cause existing symptoms
to become worse.
UF Aggravation factors
RT Homeopathic aggravation
BT Modalities
NT Food aggravation
Alcohol maceration
SN Simple extraction
process in which a drug of organic
origin is steeped in an alcohol until the soluble matter
contained in the cells has been dissolved (after Gaier).
BT Maceration
Allopathic medicine
USE Allopathy
SN Treatment whose
action is directly opposed to or incompatible
with the effects of the disease (EDH).
UF Allopathic medicine
BT Medical philosophy
Alternating drugs
USE Intercurrent
drugs prescribing
Alternative medicine
USE Self healing
Amelioration factors
USE Amelioration
Amelioration modalities
SN Factors such
as time of day, weather, movement or
position of the body which cause a reduction in the
severity of symptoms.
UF Amelioration factors
BT Modalities
NT Food amelioration
USE Case taking
BT Object of research
Anthroposophic drugs
SN Preparations
manufactured according to special homoeopathic
or anthroposophical preparation methods
BT Chemicals and drugs
SN System of medicine
based upon the insights
and teachings of Rudolph Steiner (after EDH) (Anthroposophy is
used in MeSH and can be used for indexing philosophical aspects)
Antidotal effects
SN The action of
any substance or procedure counteracting
the effect of a drug in an organism (EDH).
RT Antidotes
BT Drug relationships
BT Obstacles to cure
NT Life style effects
SN Substances or
circumstances which counteract the effect
of a drug (after EDH)
RT Antidotal effects
BT Chemicals and drugs
NT Camphor
NT Coffee
NT Menthol
Antihomotoxic therapy
SN The stimulation
and regulation of the body's self-healing
powers, through the administration of single or complex
homeopathic drugs (all types), as part of a holistic and
probiotic approach to medicine (after Reckeweg).
UF Homotoxicological therapy
RT Homotoxicology
BT Homeopathic therapies
Antitoxic drug action
USE Hormesis
Applied kinesiology
SN Technique using
relative muscle strength often used
to find the right homeopathic drug (Kinesiology, applied
is used in MeSH)
BT Diagnostic methods
SN Fear of what
may happen
BT Mental symptoms
Aqua purificata
UF Purified water
BT Drug carriers
BT History
NT Museums
Arndt Schulz law
USE Hormesis
As if symptoms
USE Sensations as
if symptoms
Autohemic therapy
SN Treatment with
the patient's own blood (after EDH).
BT Autoisopathy
SN Treatment using
preparations of the patient's own body substances (EDH).
UF Autopathy
RT Autonosodes
BT Isopathy
NT Autohemic therapy
Automated potentization
SN Potentization
by machine.
BT Potentization
SN Nosodes prepared
from pathological material produced
by the patient's own disease process (EDH)
RT Autoisopathy
BT Nosodes
USE Autoisopathy
USE Self healing
SN Strong and specific
dislikes. Relates to food, environmental
factors, situations and activities. Indicates a disturbance
of the patient's equilibrium (EDH).
BT General symptoms
NT Food aversions
Bach E
SN English bacteriologist
(1886-1936) who worked for a time
at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital. Originator
of the Bach Flower Remedies (EDH).
Bach flower drugs
USE Bach flower
Bach flower remedies
SN A set of 38 drugs
developed by Dr Edward Bach in
the 1930s. They are prescribed on the basis of the
patient's psychological characteristics, particularly their
response to their illness (EDH).
UF Bach flower drugs
BT Chemicals and drugs
Bach flower therapy
SN A therapy based
on a theory developed by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930s.
The 38 drugs are prescribed on the basis of the patient's psychological
characteristics, particularly their response to their illness (after
Basic research in
SN Research concerned
with fundamental aspects of homeopathy
including mathematical models.
BT Homeopathic research
NT Activity of potency
NT Biological models
NT Biophysical research
NT Experimental research
NT Hormesis
NT Inhibition of potency
NT Object of research
NT Physical models
NT State of the subjects
Bier A
SN German physician
(1861-1949) and promoter of homeopathy
and naturopathy.
Biochemic drugs
SN Homeopathic preparations
of certain inorganic salts
in low potencies (after EDH).
UF Biochemic remedies
UF Biochemic tissue salts
UF Schussler tissue salts
UF Tissue remedies
RT Biochemic therapy
BT Homeopathic drugs
Biochemic remedies
USE Biochemic drugs
Biochemic therapy
SN Therapeutic method
directed at homeopathic drugging
deficiencies or imbalance of inorganic salts essential
to the health of the organism using homeopathic preparations
of these salts in low potencies as indicated by the
characteristic clinical picture (EDH)
UF Schussler salt therapy
RT Biochemic drugs
BT Homeopathic therapies
Biochemic tissue
USE Biochemic drugs
Biological division
SN A borderline
between self-regulatuion and self-healing on the one hand,
and the failure of self-regulation mechanisms on the other hand. Runs
between the deposition and the impregnation phases (after Schmid)
BT Six phases table
Biological models
BT Basic research
in homeopathy
NT Bystander reaction
NT Matrix regulation
Biophysical research
BT Basic research
in homeopathy
NT Electromagnetism
SN Therapy in which
homeopathic or herbal drugs are
0injected in acupuncture -, trigger -, Weihe points,
muscles, joints, connective tissue and fibres.
RT Homeosiniatry
RT Neural therapy
Bioresonance therapy
SN The use of electromagentic
frequencies in the body in order to be
able to perform a diagnosis or therapy
BT Diagnostic methods
Biphasic activity
USE Hormesis
Boenninghausen CMF
SN Lawyer and physician
(1785-1864). Outstanding pupil
and disciple of Hahnemann. Author of the first repertory (EDH).
Boericke W
SN Physician (1849-1929).
Author of Boericke's Materia medica.
Co-founder of Pacific Homoeopathic Medical College (USA) 1881 (Yasgur).
NT Materia medica
NT Organon
NT Pharmacopoeias
NT Repertory
Bowel nosodes
SN Group of 12 homeopathic
drugs identified by Bach and
developed by John and Elizabeth Paterson. Prepared from
organisms obtained by stool culture (EDH)
BT Nosodes
Burgi's principle
USE Synergistic
Bystander reaction
SN The triggering,
due to low to medium potentized proteins, of the development
of antiinflammatory lymphocytes (Th3 cells)
BT Biological models
C Potencies
SN Homeopathic drugs
that have been prepared using
a dilution of one part in a hundred (after EDH).
UF Centesimal potencies
RT Centesimal potentization
BT Potencies
BT Antidotes
Cancerinic miasm
SN Acquired or inherited
effects of cancer. The miasm
of adaptive failure (after Gaier, p.345).
UF Oncotic miasm
BT Miasms
BT Dosage forms
Carbonic constitution
SN Nebel's association
of relatively short, stocky,
often obese people with certain characteristics of
Calcarea carbonica (EDH).
BT Constitutional types
Case analysis
SN The process of
finding the ideal prescription by
identifying and assigning values to the
characteristics of the clinical picture and
correlating these with Materia Medica information.
This may or may not involve the use of a Repertory (EDH).
BT Case analysis and treatment
NT Evaluation of symptoms
NT Repertorization
Case analysis and
BT Homeopathic diagnostics
and treatment
NT Case analysis
NT Prescribing strategies
Case histories
USE Case report
Case report
SN Presentation
of information on an individual clinical case after MeSH)
UF Case histories
UF Case studies
UF Casuistics
UF Clinical cases
BT Clinical research
Case series
SN The collection
of cases presenting information in the form of
analysis of individual cases (after MeSH)
BT Clinical research
Case studies
USE Case report
Case taking
SN The process of
eliciting and recording the case
history (EDH)
UF Anamnesis
UF Medical history taking
BT Homeopathic diagnostics and treatment
NT Defective case taking
NT Partial case taking
NT Total case taking
USE Case report
Catalyst drugs
SN Homeopathically
prepared drugs from the citric acid cycle,
quinones and other compunds (e.g. co-enzymes, vitamins)
or a combination of these
UF Intermediary catalysts
BT Homeopathic drugs
USE Etiology
USE Etiology
Cellular phases
SN In the cellular
phase of a disease, enzyme systems are
damaged, and the defense systems of the body may not
be able to eliminate the toxins.
BT Six phases table
NT Dedifferentiation phase
NT Degeneration phase
Centesimal potencies
USE C Potencies
Centesimal potentization
SN Potentization
where each stage of dilution is at a scale
of 1:100.
RT C Potencies
BT Potentization
Characteristic symptoms
SN Any well-marked,
typical feature, attribute or trait which
will serve as a distinguishing peculiarity or quality (Gaier).
RT Drug picture
BT Symptomatology
NT Concomitant symptoms
NT General symptoms
NT Guiding symptoms
NT Local symptoms
NT Mental symptoms
NT Objective symptoms
NT Proving symptoms
NT Sensations as if symptoms
NT Subjective symptoms
Chemicals and drugs
SN Tree head only
BT Homeopathy
NT Anthroposophic drugs
NT Antidotes
NT Bach flower remedies
NT Homeopathic drugs
Chronic disease
SN An illness whose
onset is usually gradual and whose
course is of long duration with no certain prospect of
recovery (EDH, p.35).
BT Disease concepts
Clarke JH
SN British homeopathic
physician (1853-1931). Wrote Dictionary
of Practical Materia Medica (Yasgur)
Classical homeopathy
SN Method of homeopathic
therapeutics using a single
drug, prescribed on the similia principle in a single
prescription (after EDH).
UF Unicist homeopathy
RT Classical homeopathy doctrine
RT Clinical homeopathy
BT Homeopathic therapies
Classical homeopathy
SN Theory of homeopathic
therapeutics using a single drug, prescribed
on the similia principle in a single prescription (after EDH)
UF Unicism
RT Classical homeopathy
BT Homeopathic doctrines
Clathrate theory
BT Theoretical models
NT Water clusters
Clinical cases
USE Case report
Clinical homeopathy
SN Method of homeopathic
therapeutics being based mainly
on guiding symptoms and on the predominant correspondence
to somatic symptoms, organ affinities, tissue affinities, disease
affinity, etiological prescribing and specifics. Used by J. Mezger,
A. Stiegele, K. Stauffer and O. Leeser, EA Farrington and M. Dorcsi
RT Classical homeopathy
RT Clinical homeopathy doctrine
BT Homeopathic therapies
Clinical homeopathy
SN Theory of homeopathic
therapeutics based mainly on guiding
symptoms and on the predominant correspondence to somatic
symptoms, organ affinities, tissue affinities, disease affinity,
etiological prescribing and specifics. Used by J. Mezger,
A. Stiegele, K. Stauffer and O. Leeser, EA Farrington and
M. Dorcsi and others (after EDH).
RT Clinical homeopathy
BT Homeopathic doctrines
Clinical investigation
USE Clinical trials
Clinical research
SN Clinical investigations
of humans and animals in order to
establish the safety and efficacy of diagnostic, therapeutic, or
prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques as well as
to collect epidemiological data.
BT Homeopathic research
NT Case report
NT Case series
NT Clinical trials
NT Clinical verification
NT Homeopathic drug provings
NT Meta analysis
NT Study design
Clinical studies
USE Clinical trials
Clinical trials
SN Pre-planned clinical
trial of the safety, efficacy or optimum
dosage schedule of one or more diagnostic, therapeutic or
prophylactic drugs, devices or techniques in humans selected
according to predetermined criteria of eligibility and observed
for predefined evidence of favorable and unfavorable effects (MeSH)
UF Clinical investigation
UF Clinical studies
BT Clinical research
NT Clinical trials phase I
NT Clinical trials phase II
NT Clinical trials phase III
NT Clinical trials phase IV
NT Postmarketing surveillance studies
Clinical trials phase
SN A pre-planned,
usually controlled, clinical trial of the safety
and effects of diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs,
devices or techniques based on a small number of healthy
persons or patients according to GCP (after MeSH)
BT Clinical trials
Clinical trials phase
SN A pre-planned,
usually controlled, clinical trial of the safety and
efficacy of diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic drugs, devices
or techniques based on several hundred volunteers, including a
limited number of patients according to GCP (after MeSH)
BT Clinical trials
Clinical trials phase
SN A pre-planned,
usually controlled, clinical trial of the safety
and efficacy of diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs,
devices or techniques after phase II trials. A large enough
group of patients is studied and closely monitored by physicians
for adverse response to long-term exposure according to GCP
(after MeSH)
BT Clinical trials
Clinical trials phase
SN Planned post-marketing
studies of diagnostic, therapeutic
or prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques that have been
approved for general sale after clinical trials, phase I, II and III
according to GCP (after MeSH)
BT Clinical trials
Clinical verification
SN Clinical verification
of a symptom picture established in a
homeopathic drug proving is designed to demonstrate the
clinical applicability (homeopathic symptom picture, specific
symptoms or keynotes or specific therapeutic indications)
of a homeopathic drug. Measurements an occur as case
studies, outcome studies or randomized controlled clinical
trials according to GCP) (after Riley)
BT Clinical research
BT Antidotes
Combination drugs
USE Complex drugs
Combination products
USE Complex drugs
Comparative materia
SN Comparisons of
the drug pictures of different homeopathic drugs.
RT Drug relationships
BT Materia medica
Comparative studies
SN Comparison between
different active treatments in a
clinical trial
UF Comparative trials
BT Controlled clinical trials
Comparative trials
USE Comparative
Complementary diagnosis
USE Diagnostic methods
Complementary effects
SN The effects of
certain homeopathic drugs that remove
all the remaining symptoms after the action of the
similimum in an organism (Gaier, p.102).
UF Complements
UF Remedies that follow well
BT Drug relationships
SN All forms of
diagnostics and treatment not taught within
conventional medical institutions. Do not confuse with
complementary effects (Alternative medicine is used inMesH)
UF Alternative medicine
UF Complementary therapies
NT Anthroposophical medicine
NT Bach flower therapy
NT Biopuncture
NT Bioresonance therapy
NT Drainage therapy
NT Homeopathy
NT Mesotherapy
NT MORA therapy
NT Neural therapy
NT Vegatest
Complementary therapies
USE Complementary
Complex drugs
SN Combinations
of two or more homeopathic drugs in one
dosage form (EDH). Do not confuse with the Indian biochemical
UF Combination drugs
UF Combination products
UF Complex remedies
BT Drug selection
BT Homeopathic drugs
Complex homeopathy
SN Method of homeopathic
therapeutics using more than
one constituent in a single drug.
RT Complex homeopathy doctrine
BT Homeopathic therapies
Complex homeopathy
SN Theory of homeopathic
therapeutics using more than one
constituent in a single drug
RT Complex homeopathy
BT Homeopathic doctrines
Complex remedies
USE Complex drugs
Computer repertorization
SN The use of computer
programs for repertorization purposes
BT Repertorization
Concomitant symptoms
SN Symptoms associated
with other symptoms, appearing
at the same time or during the course of the same disease
process (EDH).
BT Characteristic symptoms
USE Drug relationships
Conductivity measurements
BT Physical research
SN The whole pattern
of psychological and physical
characteristics that identify an individual, including
psychological and physical reactions to stimuli and
circumstances that occur in everyday life (EDH).
RT Constitutional analysis
RT Constitutional types
BT Homeopathic philosophy
Constitutional analysis
SN Case analysis
based on the study of the patient's constitution
rather than the clinical picture (EDH)
UF Constitutional case taking
RT Constitution
RT Constitutional types
BT Evaluation of symptoms
Constitutional case
USE Constitutional
Constitutional types
SN Classification
according to which particular
medicine suits a specific kind of patient (Gaier, p.103).
(Combine constitutional types with remedy name).
RT Constitution
RT Constitutional analysis
BT Typology
NT Carbonic constitution
NT Fluoric constitution
NT Phosphoric constitution
NT Sulphuric constitution
Continuum model
BT Empirical models
Controlled clinical
SN A clinical trial
involving one or more test treatment, at
leat one control treatment, specified outcome measures
for evaluating the studied intervention, and a bias-free
method for assigning patients to the test treatment.
The treatment may be drugs, devices, or procedures studied
for diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic effectiveness (MeSH)
BT Study design
NT Comparative studies
NT Cross over studies
NT Double blind method
NT Nonrandomized
NT Nonstratified
NT Open trials
NT Placebo controlled trials
NT Randomized controlled trials
NT Single blind method
NT Stratified
Conventional medical
BT Medical philosophy
BT Dosage forms
Cross over studies
SN Each patient
is randomized to a sequence of two or more
treatment groups, and hence acts as his/her own control
for treatment comparisons (after EG-GCP)
UF Cross over trials
BT Controlled clinical trials
Cross over trials
USE Cross over studies
USE Healing
D Potencies
SN Homeopathic drugs
that have been prepared using
a dilution of one part in ten (after EDH).
UF Decimal potencies
UF X-Potencies
RT Decimal potentization
BT Potencies
Decimal potencies
USE D Potencies
Decimal potentization
SN Potentization
where each stage of dilution is at a scale of 1:10.
RT D Potencies
BT Potentization
SN This phase refers
to a certain cell type's actual abandonment
of its characteristic form and function in the direction of
undifferentiated, non-specialized cell forms (after Schmid)
UF Neoplasm phase
BT Cellular phases
Defective case taking
SN Case taking of
a case which lacks sufficient symptoms
on which to base a prescription (EDH)
BT Case taking
Degeneration phase
SN This phase of
a tissue is generally the result of permanent
damage which has led to functional restrictions and structural
changes (after Schmid)
BT Cellular phases
SN Lowness of spirit
BT Mental symptoms
Deposition phase
SN This phase is
the result of the failure of the excretion
and inflammation mechanisms. The exogenous or invading
toxin can no longer be eliminated by the body; the toxin is
deposited in the tissue (after Schmid)
BT Matrix phases
SN Thing or state
for which the patient longs, any factor
which affects the physical or emotional comfort of the
individual. Desire exceeds mere liking (EDH).
BT General symptoms
NT Food desires
Destruction of potency
USE Inhibition of
Diagnostic methods
SN Special diagnostic
methods used in homeopathy.
UF Complementary diagnosis
BT Homeopathic medicinal procedures and techniques
NT Applied kinesiology
NT Bioresonance therapy
NT MORA therapy
NT Radiesthesia
NT Radionics
NT Vegatest
SN A constitutional
or hereditary predisposition to disease.
BT Disease concepts
Dielectric measurements
BT Physical research
USE Homeopathic
Direction of cure
USE Herings law
Disease affinity
SN Association of
a certain homeopathic drug with specific
pathological processes or diseases that occur prominently
in their materia medica (EDH).
UF Pathotropism
BT Drug affinity
Disease concepts
SN Description of
attributes of a disease (Cassells).
BT Homeopathic philosophy
NT Acute disease
NT Chronic disease
NT Diathesis
NT Disease susceptibility
NT Etiology
NT Healing
NT Miasms
NT Pathogenesis
Disease suppression
SN The palliative
treatment of a symptom or condition so
that it becomes inactive but not necessarily resolved (after EDH, p.141)
BT Healing
Disease susceptibility
SN Vulnerability
to illness (EDH).
UF Susceptibility
BT Disease concepts
Doctrine of signatures
SN A postulate first
proposed in the Middle Ages which says that
external characteristics of a substance serve to indicate
possible therapeutic effects (Yasgur)
BT Medical philosophy
Dorcsi school
BT Homeopathic schools
USE Dosage regime
Dosage forms
SN The form in which
the homeopathic drug is administered (EDH).
UF Pharmaceutical forms
BT Homeopathic pharmacy
NT Capsules
NT Creams
NT Drinkable ampules
NT Drops
NT Ear drops
NT Emulsions
NT Eye drops
NT Eye ointments
NT Gels
NT Globules
NT Granules
NT Injectable ampules
NT Lotions
NT Nose drops
NT Nose sprays
NT Oils
NT Ointments
NT Ovules
NT Pills
NT Powders
NT Sprays
NT Suppositories
NT Syrups
NT Tablets
NT Vials
Dosage regime
SN The complete
specification of the amount,
frequency, potency and form of the dose (EDH).
UF Dosage
UF Posology
BT Prescribing strategies
NT Frequency of dose
NT Plussing
NT Potency selection
Double blind method
SN Neither the subject
nor the person administering treatment
knows which treatment any particular subject is receiving (Dorl.)
BT Controlled clinical trials
Drainage therapy
SN Elimination of
toxins and organ stimulation of a patient
by drugs, e.g. homeopathic drugs using the similia principle
(after Maury).
Dream symptoms
SN Dreams of the
BT Sleep symptoms
Drinkable ampules
BT Dosage forms
BT Dosage forms
Drug affinity
SN Attraction between
a drug and part of an organism.
BT Pharmacodynamics
NT Disease affinity
NT Organ affinity
NT Tissue affinity
Drug carriers
SN The medium which
carries the effective medicinal agent (Dorl, p.571).
UF Excipients
UF Vehicle substances
UF Vehicles
BT Homeopathic pharmacy
NT Aqua purificata
NT Ethyl alcohol
NT Glucose
NT Glycerol
NT Saccharose
NT Saccharum lactis
NT Saline
Drug combinations
SN Using more than
one drug in a single prescription and
not in one dosage form.
BT Drug selection
Drug essence
USE Keynotes
Drug interactions
USE Drug relationships
Drug monitoring
USE Postmarketing
surveillance studies
Drug pathogenesis
USE Adverse effects
Drug picture
SN The whole of
the elements of disease a medicine is
capable of producing (Gaier, p.138), comprising all the
recorded characteristic symptoms and signs
UF Remedy picture
RT Characteristic symptoms
BT Materia medica
NT Keynotes
Drug provings
USE Homeopathic
drug provings
Drug reactions
SN Reaction of an
organism to a drug.
BT Pharmacodynamics
NT Adverse effects
NT Drug sensitivity
NT Homeopathic aggravation
NT Primary reactions
NT Reappearance of old symptoms
NT Secondary reactions
Drug receptivity
USE Drug sensitivity
Drug relationships
SN The interactive
relationship of different homeopathic
drugs which may have beneficial or detrimental effects on the
organism (after EDH).
UF Concordances
UF Drug interactions
UF Relationship of drugs
RT Comparative materia medica
RT Pharmacopoeias homeopathic
BT Pharmacodynamics
NT Antidotal effects
NT Complementary effects
NT Incompatible effects
NT Synergistic effects
Drug selection
SN The selection
of the type of drug.
BT Prescribing strategies
NT Complex drugs
NT Drug combinations
NT Single drugs
Drug sensitivity
SN The degree of
responsiveness of an organism to a homeopathic drug (after EDH).
UF Drug receptivity
BT Drug reactions
USE Vital force
USE Potentization
Ear drops
BT Dosage forms
SN A bioenergetic
diagnostic and treatment method developed
by Dr Reinhold Voll (1909-1989) (Yasgur)
UF Electroacupuncture according to Voll
BT Diagnostic methods
Eizayaga school
BT Latin American
USE Spagirik
according to Voll
SN Therapy using
certain homeopathic drugs developed
by Cesare Mattei, including some which he called
Electricities due to the drugs' speed of action when
applied to the affected part. Do not confuse with spagyrik.
RT Spagirik
BT Homeopathic therapies
BT Biophysical research
Electron resonance
promotion theory
BT Theoretical models
Eliminating symptoms
SN A characteristic
of the patient chosen as the defining
criterion by which to eliminate medicines whose Materia
Medica does not include it from the range of possible treatment (EDH).
BT Guiding symptoms
Emanometer method
SN Specific type
of radionics developed by W. Boyd in the 1930s.
BT Radionics
Empirical models
BT Physical models
NT Continuum model
NT Interstitial model
NT Mixture model
NT Uniformist model
BT Dosage forms
USE Vital force
Ethyl alcohol
BT Drug carriers
SN Study of the
causative agents of diseases (EDH).
UF Causality
UF Causation
UF Precipitating factor
UF Provoking factor
RT Pathogenesis
BT Disease concepts
BT Object of research
Evaluation of symptoms
SN The evaluation
by the clinician of symptoms and
their significance as indications for the choice of
prescription (EDH).
UF Grading of symptoms
UF Hierarchisation of symptoms
BT Case analysis
NT Constitutional analysis
NT Keynote analysis
NT Pathological analysis
Evolution of disease
USE Pathogenesis
USE Drug carriers
Excretion phase
SN This phase can
be characterized as the body's attempt
to rid itself of a toxin by increasing its physiological
excretion mechanisms (after Schmid)
BT Humoral phases
Experimental pathogenesis
USE Homeopathic
drug provings
Experimental research
BT Basic research
in homeopathy
Exploratory trials
USE Pilot studies
Eye drops
BT Dosage forms
Eye ointments
BT Dosage forms
NT Bach E
NT Bier A
NT Boenninghausen CMF von
NT Boericke W
NT Clarke JH
NT Hahnemann SC
NT Hering C
NT Hughes R
NT Kent JT
NT Kunzli J
NT Reckeweg HH
NT Schmidt P
NT Schuessler WH
Fifty millesimal
SN Potentization
where the total dilution is 1:50,000.
RT LM Potencies
BT Potentization
SN Process of purifying
a liquid of solid insoluble matter
by pressing it through some porous medium that arrests
suspended solid particles (Gaier, p.197).
BT Mother tincture preparation
Fincke continuous
SN Method of performing
a process of serial dilution in
which there are no clearly defined dilution stages and
the potentization is done through the continuous supply
of and the turbulence of water.
UF Fluxion
BT Potentization
Fluoric constitution
SN Nebel's association
of angular or asymmetrical
people with hyperextensible joints, usually thin,
possibly with some dystrophy, with the
characteristics of Calcarea fluorica (EDH).
BT Constitutional types
USE Fincke continuous
Follow up prescription
SN The prescription
that follows the choice of the
original drug (EDH).
UF Second prescription
BT Prescribing strategies
NT Repetition of dose
Food aggravation
BT Aggravation modalities
Food amelioration
BT Amelioration
Food aversions
SN A strong dislike
for a specific type of food (after EDH).
BT Aversions
Food desires
SN A strong desire
for a specific type of food (after EDH).
BT Desires
Frequency of dose
SN Time interval
between doses
BT Dosage regime
Functional symptoms
USE Subjective symptoms
BT Mother tincture
BT Dosage forms
SN Therapy using
a low homeopathic potency (D1) of glycerine
macerates prepared from embryonic plant tissue (buds),
harvested at a time when this is in the process of incipient
growth. It is aimed at promoting drainage and is always
prescribed pathologically (after Gaier, p.201).
BT Homeopathic therapies
General symptoms
SN General characteristics
and reactions of the patient
not descriptive of the local pathology or pathological
mental state (after EDH).
UF Generals
BT Characteristic symptoms
NT Aversions
NT Desires
NT Laterality
NT Seasonal symptoms
NT Sleep symptoms
NT Temperature symptoms
NT Time symptoms
NT Transpiration symptoms
NT Weather symptoms
USE General symptoms
BT Dosage forms
BT Drug carriers
Glycerin maceration
SN Simple extraction
process in which a drug of organic
origin is steeped in a glycerin until the soluble matter
contained in the cells has been dissolved (after Gaier, p363)
BT Maceration
BT Drug carriers
Grading of symptoms
USE Evaluation of
BT Dosage forms
Greater defense system
BT Homotoxicology
Guiding symptoms
SN Symptoms that
provide a strong indication for the choice
of a particular drug. Symptoms highly characteristic of a
particular drug (EDH).
UF Indications
UF Keynote symptoms
RT Keynotes
BT Characteristic symptoms
NT Eliminating symptoms
NT Strange rare or peculiar symptoms
Hahnemann SC
SN German physician
(1755-1843). Founder of homeopathic medicine (EDH).
Hahnemannian dilution
USE Hahnemannian
Hahnemannian potentization
SN Method of serial
dilution in which one part taken from
the preparation at the previous stage in the process is
added to the requisite number of parts of diluent in a
new container at each stage and submitted to succussion (EDH).
UF Hahnemannian dilution
UF Multi glass method
BT Potentization
USE Homeopathic
drug provings
SN Restoration of
health or wholeness (EDH).
UF Cure
UF Recovery
BT Disease concepts
NT Disease suppression
NT Obstacles to cure
NT Self healing
Health personnel
NT Homeopathic therapists
NT Physicians
Hering C
SN German physician
(1800-1880). Emigrated to the USA.
Founder of homoeopathic medical colleges and
pioneer of materia medica.
Herings law
SN Progressive improvement
in the patient's state is indicated
by directional changes in the disease process, namely
from above downwards, from within outwards, from more
important to less important organs and from the mental
level to the physical level, and symptoms resolve in reverse
order of their onset (EDH).
UF Direction of cure
UF Herings rule
UF Law of cure
RT Reappearance of old symptoms
BT Homeopathic philosophy
Herings rule
USE Herings law
Herscu school
BT Homeopathic schools
Hierarchisation of
USE Evaluation of
High potencies
SN Potencies above
C12 or D24 (after Gaier, p434).
UF Ultra high dilutions
BT Potencies
USE Tissue affinity
NT Archives
NT History of medicine 18th C
NT History of medicine 19th C
NT History of medicine 20th C
NT History of medicine ancient
NT History of medicine medieval
NT History of medicine modern
History of medicine 18th C
History of medicine
19th C
History of medicine
20th C
History of medicine
History of medicine
History of medicine
SN The contention
that wholes are more then the sum of their
parts, first expounded by Jan Smuts, South Africa 1926 (Phil).
Antonym of atomism
BT Medical philosophy
Homeopathic aggravation
SN Worsening of
existing symptoms in response to a
homeopathic drug (after EDH).
UF Therapeutic aggravations
RT Aggravation modalities
RT Primary reactions
BT Drug reactions
Homeopathic allopathic
USE Homeopathic
drugs synthetic origin
Homeopathic diagnostics
and treatment
SN The study of
the signs and symptoms of the patient
and application of homeopathic drugs in homeoapthic
clinical practice (Medical history taking is used in MeSH)
BT Homeopathic medicinal procedures and techniques
NT Case analysis and treatment
NT Case taking
NT Typology
Homeopathic dilution
SN A stage in the
preparation of a homeopathic drug by
adding one part to a prescribed number of parts of diluent (EDH).
UF Diluent
BT Potentization
Homeopathic doctrines
SN Philosophy and
therapeutic principles upon which the
teaching of homeopathy is based, which may be associated
with a particular school of homeopathy (after EDH).
BT Homeopathic philosophy
NT Classical homeopathy doctrine
NT Clinical homeopathy doctrine
NT Complex homeopathy doctrine
NT Homeopathic schools
NT Pluralist homeopathy doctrine
Homeopathic drug
SN Clinical studies
in which homeopathic drugs are admininstered
to healthy volunteers in order to produce the symptoms specific
to that substance and thereby reveal its inherent curative
powers. (If it is done according to GCP or HGCP please combine
with Clinical trial, phase 1).
UF Drug provings
UF Experimental pathogenesis
RT Proving principle
BT Clinical research
NT Provers
NT Proving symptoms
Homeopathic drugs
UF Homeopathic medicines
BT Chemicals and drugs
NT Biochemic drugs
NT Catalyst drugs
NT Complex drugs
NT Homeopathic drugs animal origin
NT Homeopathic drugs mineral origin
NT Homeopathic drugs plant origin
NT Homeopathic drugs synthetic origin
NT Homeopathic stocks
NT Mixed potency drugs
NT Nosodes
NT Polychrests
NT Potencies
NT Sarcodes
NT Single drugs
NT Sources of homeopathic drugs
NT Spagiric drugs
NT Spagyric drugs
Homeopathic drugs
animal origin
BT Homeopathic drugs
Homeopathic drugs
mineral origin
BT Homeopathic drugs
Homeopathic drugs
plant origin
BT Homeopathic drugs
Homeopathic drugs
synthetic origin
SN Homeopathic drugs
prepared from commonly used allopathic
UF Homeopathic allopathic drugs
UF Tautopathic drugs
RT Tautopathy
BT Homeopathic drugs
Homeopathic medicinal
procedures and techniques
SN Practical branch
of homeopathy concerned with
the diagnosis and treatment of patients (Tree head only)
BT Homeopathy
NT Diagnostic methods
NT Homeopathic diagnostics and treatment
NT Homeopathic therapies
Homeopathic medicine
USE Homeopathy
Homeopathic medicines
USE Homeopathic
Homeopathic organizations
NT Patient organizations
NT Practitioner organizations
NT Support groups
Homeopathic pharmacology
SN The science that
deals with the origin, nature, chemistry,
effects, and uses of homeopathic drugs (Dorl, p.1272).
BT Homeopathy
NT Materia medica
NT Pharmacodynamics
NT Pharmacognosy
NT Sources of homeopathic drugs
Homeopathic pharmacy
SN The whole process
of manufacture of homeopathic drugs
BT Homeopathy
NT Dosage forms
NT Drug carriers
NT Standard preparation methods
Homeopathic philosophy
SN The whole theoretical
approach to the principles and
practice of homoeopathy (after EDH).
BT Medical philosophy
NT Constitution
NT Disease concepts
NT Herings law
NT Homeopathic doctrines
NT Homotoxicology
NT Individualization
NT Potentization principle
NT Proving principle
NT Similia principle
NT Vital force
Homeopathic physicians
SN Homeopathic practitioners
who are also qualified as
BT Physicians
Homeopathic practice
SN The regular use
of homeopathy in the practice of a
homeopathic therapist or physician
BT Homeopathy
Homeopathic research
BT Homeopathy
NT Basic research in homeopathy
NT Clinical research
Homeopathic schools
SN Tradition of
homeopathic philosophy or therapeutics
teaching a distinctive doctrine (EDH).
BT Homeopathic doctrines
NT Dorcsi school
NT Herscu school
NT Kentian school
NT Kunzli school
NT Latin American schools
NT Murphy school
NT Sankaran school
NT Scholten school
NT Sherr school
NT Vithoulkas school
Homeopathic stocks
SN Non-succussed
drug solutions prepared in accordance with
homeopathic pharmacopoeial standards (after Gaier, p.354).
BT Homeopathic drugs
NT Homeopathic stocks animal origin
NT Homeopathic stocks mineral origin
NT Homeopathic stocks plant origin
NT Homeopathic stocks synthetic origin
NT Mother tinctures
Homeopathic stocks
animal origin
BT Homeopathic stocks
Homeopathic stocks
mineral origin
BT Homeopathic stocks
Homeopathic stocks
plant origin
BT Homeopathic stocks
Homeopathic stocks
synthetic origin
SN For example:
Formicicum acidum or Acetylsalicylicum acidum
BT Homeopathic stocks
Homeopathic therapies
SN Therapies using
homeopathically prepared drugs.
UF Homeotherapy
BT Homeopathic medicinal procedures and techniques
NT Antihomotoxic therapy
NT Biochemic therapy
NT Classical homeopathy
NT Clinical homeopathy
NT Complex homeopathy
NT Electrohomeopathy
NT Gemmotherapy
NT Homeosiniatry
NT Isopathy
NT Lithotherapy
NT Nosode therapy
NT Oligoelement therapy
NT Organotherapy
NT Pluralist homeopathy
NT Spagirik
NT Spagyrik
Homeopathic therapists
SN Nonmedical homeopaths.
Homeopathic practitioners
who do not hold a statutory medical qualification (after EDH, p.103).
BT Health personnel
NT Lay homeopaths
NT Professional homeopaths
Homeopathic trituration
SN The potentization
process for the preparation of a homeopathic
drug from an insoluble source material by grinding it together
with lactose (milk sugar) as a diluent for a defined period
of time to thoroughly amalgamate the two (after EDH).
UF Trituration
BT Potentization
SN A therapeutic
method of treating patients using
preparations of substances whose effect on healthy
subjects is similar to the manifestation of the disorder in
these patients (after EDH).
UF Homeopathic medicine
UF Homoeopathy
NT Chemicals and drugs
NT Homeopathic medicinal procedures and techniques
NT Homeopathic pharmacology
NT Homeopathic pharmacy
NT Homeopathic practice
NT Homeopathic research
NT Quality control
NT Symptomatology
SN Therapy in which
potentized homeopathic drugs are
injected in particular Chinese acupuncture points.
RT Biopuncture
BT Homeopathic therapies
USE Homeopathic
USE Homeopathy
Homotoxic phases
USE Six phases table
USE Antihomotoxic
SN A probiotic and
holistic approach to medicine, based
on two principles: the basic chemical association of all
diseases, and the possibility of the detoxification of the
pathological factors represented by "homotoxins" into
"homotoxones" (Claus, p.67).
RT Antihomotoxic therapy
BT Homeopathic philosophy
NT Greater defense system
NT Homotoxicosis
NT Homotoxin
NT Homotoxone
NT Six phases table
NT Vicariation phenomenon
SN The disease deriving
from the reaction of the immune
system against toxins and homotoxins (after Claus, p.31).
BT Homotoxicology
SN A substance which
is poisonous to an organism, including
metabolic products which are not broken down and eliminated
quickly enough. Within the body it is responsible for those
processes to which we give the name of "illness" (Reckeweg, pXIII).
BT Homotoxicology
NT Sutoxins
SN A third non-toxic
body, formed by synthesis from
two homotoxins in the organism (Claus, p.27).
BT Homotoxicology
SN The stimulating
effect of subinhibitory concentrations of any
toxic substance on any organism (Dorl. p22)
UF Antitoxic drug action
UF Arndt Schulz law
UF Biphasic activity
RT Primary reactions
RT Secondary reactions
BT Basic research in homeopathy
Hughes R
SN British homeopathic
physician (1836-1902). Wrote Encyclopaedia
of Drug Pathogenesy. Used pathological symptoms and low potencies
BT Object of research
Humoral phases
SN In the humoral
phases intracellular systems are for the
most part not disturbed. The defense systems of the
body are intact and capable of responding to homotoxins
by eliminating them through the various body orifices.
BT Six phases table
NT Excretion phase
NT Inflammation phase
SN The process or
act of saturation of granules with liquid
homeopathic drugs (Dorl, p.825).
BT Standard preparation methods
Impregnation phase
SN This phase represents
the fixation of a foreign substance in the
tissue. The local foreign substance penetrates the tissue structure
and becomes a part of that structure (after Schmid)
BT Matrix phases
BT Object of research
Incompatible effects
SN The unfavourable
interaction of two homeopathic drugs
when used one after another in an organism (after EDH).
UF Inimical effects
UF Inimicals
BT Drug relationships
USE Guiding symptoms
SN Prescribing on
the basis of the complex of symptoms in
the individual patient rather than on the common
characteristics of the disorder from which the patient
is suffering (after EDH).
BT Homeopathic philosophy
Inflammation phase
SN This phase is
characterized by acute, exudative inflammation.
This represents the organism's attempt to hasten and intensify
metabolic processes by means of activating the vascular connective
tissue and capillary system (after Schmid)
UF Reaction phase
BT Humoral phases
Inhibition of potency
UF Destruction of
BT Basic research in homeopathy
Inimical effects
USE Incompatible
USE Incompatible
Injectable ampules
BT Dosage forms
Intercurrent drugs
SN Intercurrent
use of a supportive medicine. The use
of homeopathic drugs in alternation to increase the
tolerance to repeated doses of the same drug (EDH).
UF Alternating drugs prescribing
BT Prescribing strategies
Intermediary catalysts
USE Catalyst drugs
Interstitial model
BT Empirical models
SN Treatment of
a disease using drugs derived from the
causative agent of the disease itself, including organisms
and allergens (EDH).
RT Nosode therapy
RT Nosodes
BT Homeopathic therapies
NT Autoisopathy
NT Tautopathy
Jarricot potentization
USE Korsakov potentization
Jenichen potentization
SN Complex process
of serial dilution with very strong,
manual potentization, used only by Jenichen himself. Obsolete.
BT Potentization
JSO complex therapy
USE Spagirik
K Potencies
SN Homeopathic drugs
that have been prepared using the Korsakov method
RT Korsakov potentization
RT LM Potencies
BT Potencies
Kent JT
SN American homeopathic
physician, 1849-1916 (EDH).
Kentian school
SN School based
on practising homeopathy using the law of
similars, the minimum dose, the single dose, repertorizing,
emphasis on mental symptoms and high potencies (afterYasgur)
BT Homeopathic schools
Keynote analysis
SN Case analysis
in which a few representative leading symptoms
are taken as a guide to prescribing
BT Evaluation of symptoms
Keynote symptoms
USE Guiding symptoms
SN Representative
leading characteristics of a drug
(after Gaier, p.318).
UF Drug essence
RT Guiding symptoms
BT Drug picture
Korsakov potentization
SN Method of performing
each stage in the process of
serial dilution in which only one container is used
throughout the process (EDH). Each stage of the
dilution is at a scale 1:100 and has an additional
UF Jarricot potentization
UF Single glass method
RT K Potencies
RT LM Potencies
BT Potentization
Kunzli J
Kunzli school
BT Homeopathic schools
USE Saccharum lactis
SN The side of the
body affected by the symptom. The
concept includes the involvement of diagonally opposite
parts in the upper and lower halves of the body, and
the alternation of symptoms from side to side (EDH).
UF Sidedness
BT General symptoms
Latin American schools
SN Schools predominantly
present in South and Middle America,
based on classical homeopathy, but with more emphasis on
psychological and spiritual aspects during diagnosis and
BT Homeopathic schools
NT Eizayaga school
NT Masi school
NT Ortega school
NT Paschero school
Law of cure
USE Herings law
Law of similars
USE Similia principle
Lay homeopaths
SN Homeopathic practitioners
who have neither undergone
a medical nor a homeopathic education.
BT Homeopathic therapists
Life force
USE Vital force
Life style effects
SN Self damaging
BT Antidotal effects
USE Syrups
NT Biography
SN Therapeutic method
relying on the dechelating effect
of low homeopathic potencies (usually D8) of 33 different
rocks and minerals, popularized by Max Tetau (Gaier, p.291).
BT Homeopathic therapies
LM Potencies
SN Homeopathic drugs
that have been prepared using the Korsakov
method where the total dilution is 1:50,000
RT Fifty millesimal potentization
RT K Potencies
RT Korsakov potentization
RT Q Potencies
BT Potencies
Local case taking
USE Partial case
Local symptoms
SN Clinical features
(symptoms or signs) expressing the local
manifestation of the illness in relation to a particular
organ or organ system or to regional anatomy (EDH) (combine
with body parts)
UF Locals
UF Particular symptoms
UF Particulars
UF Pathological changes
UF Physical symptoms
UF Somatic symptoms
BT Characteristic symptoms
USE Local symptoms
Lock potentization
SN Method using
a stirrer in a small glass cylinder. Dilution
stage described by addition of liquid and rotations of stirrer.
Used in South America.
BT Potentization
Longlinear constitution
USE Phosphoric constitution
BT Dosage forms
Low potencies
SN Potencies ranging
from mother tinctures to D6 or C3
(after Gaier, p434).
BT Potencies
Luetic miasm
USE Syphilitic miasm
M Potencies
SN 1M=1000C. Each
stage is potentized at a 1:100 scale.
BT Potencies
SN Simple extraction
process in which a drug of organic
origin is steeped in a liquid until the soluble matter
contained in the cells has been dissolved (after Gaier, p.363).
BT Mother tincture preparation
NT Alcohol maceration
NT Glycerin maceration
Manual potentization
SN Potentization
by hand.
BT Potentization
Masi school
SN School based
on classical homeopathy and spiritual
influences of Thomas of Aquinus.
BT Latin American schools
Materia medica
SN Branch of medical
study which deals with homeopathic
drugs, their sources, preparations, and uses (Dorl, p.986).
BT Homeopathic pharmacology
NT Comparative materia medica
NT Drug picture
Matrix phases
SN In the matrix
phases the homotoxins are deposited in the lattice
of the extracellular matrix. Hereby the structure of the matrix and
in the course the function as well could be changed.
BT Six phases table
NT Deposition phase
NT Impregnation phase
Matrix regulation
SN The fibroblast
at the centre of a matrix reacts to all incoming information
with an appropriate synthesis of matrix components (after Schmid)
BT Biological models
Medical history taking
USE Case taking
Medical philosophy
SN The whole theoretical
approach to the principles and practice
of medicine (after EDH, p111) (Philosophy, medical is used in
NT Allopathy
NT Conventional medical philosophy
NT Doctrine of signatures
NT Holism
NT Homeopathic philosophy
Medium potencies
SN Potencies ranging
between C3 or D6 to C12 or D24
(after Gaier, p434).
BT Potencies
Mental symptoms
SN Characteristic
of the mental state of the patient, irrespective
of whether the presenting features of the illness involve the
mind or emotions (EDH).
UF Mentals
UF Mind symptoms
BT Characteristic symptoms
NT Apprehension
NT Dejection
NT Sexuality
NT Shyness
USE Mental symptoms
BT Antidotes
SN Therapy in which
certain drugs are injected sub- or
intra-dermally near the lesion or in the site of pain (after Van Dijk)
Meta analysis
SN A statistical
process for pooling data from many clinical trials (ACT)
BT Clinical research
SN Conditions which
may be acquired or inherited,
underlying chronic or recurrent disease states (Gaier, p.342).
BT Disease concepts
BT Typology
NT Cancerinic miasm
NT Psoric miasm
NT Sycotic miasm
NT Syphilitic miasm
NT Tuberculinic miasm
Milk sugar
USE Saccharum lactis
Mind symptoms
USE Mental symptoms
Mixed potency drugs
SN Combinations
of two or more different potencies from
one homeopathic single drug incorporated into one
dosage form.
BT Homeopathic drugs
Mixture model
BT Empirical models
SN Factors which
modify the behavior, level, degree of
intensity or severity of a clinical state (symptom, sign,
pathology or disorder) (EDH).
BT Symptomatology
NT Aggravation modalities
NT Amelioration modalities
NT Physical modalities
NT Seasonal modalities
NT Sensory stimulation modalities
NT Temperature modalities
NT Time modalities
NT Weather modalities
MORA therapy
SN Therapy using
the patient's electromagnetic frequencies. The
instrument cancels the disharmonic frequencies in the body
and intensifies the healthy ones (after Yasgur)
BT Diagnostic methods
Mother solution preparation
USE Mother tincture
Mother solutions
USE Mother tinctures
Mother tincture preparation
SN Preparation of
unpotentized drug solutions in accordance with homeopathic
pharmacopoeial standards (after Gaier, p.354).
UF Mother solution preparation
BT Standard preparation methods
NT Filtration
NT Galenics
NT Maceration
Mother tinctures
SN Non-succussed
drug solutions from plant material prepared
in accordance with homeopathic pharmacopoeial standards
(after Gaier, p354)
UF Mother solutions
BT Homeopathic stocks
Movement modalities
SN The influence
of a certain action such as walking, lifting
on the behavior of a symptom.
BT Physical modalities
Multi glass method
USE Hahnemannian
Multicenter studies
SN Clinical trials
conducted according to one single protocol
in which the trials are identified as taking place at different
investigational sites, therefore carried out by more than one
investigator, but following the same practical details (after EG-GCP)
BT Study design
Mure potentization
SN Centesimal dilutions
which are potentized by means
of a "shaking machine" that can shake 60 bottles at
the same time. Obsolete.
BT Potentization
Murphy school
BT Homeopathic schools
BT Archives
Negative vicariation
USE Progressive
Neoplasm phase
USE Dedifferentiation
Neural therapy
SN The systematic
treatment of the autonomous and peripheral
nervous system by means of injections, mostly with a local
anaesthetic (sometimes mixed with homeopathic drugs).
Injections are given in scar or other disturbed tissue in order
to regulate disturbed regions
RT Biopuncture
Nocebo effect
SN The phenomenon
in which the use of non-characteristic
factors of a therapy elicits a harmful effect in a patient.
RT Placebo effect
BT Pharmacodynamics
Nonblind trials
USE Open trials
BT Controlled clinical
BT Controlled clinical
Normalinear constitution
USE Sulphuric constitution
Nose drops
BT Dosage forms
Nose sprays
BT Dosage forms
Nosode therapy
SN Therapy using
homeopathic drugs which are prepared
from disease products and which have their own full
drug picture, usually using them according to the similia
principle (Gaier, p.291).
RT Isopathy
RT Nosodes
BT Homeopathic therapies
SN Homeopathically
prepared with their own distinct drug
pictures (Gaier).
RT Isopathy
RT Nosode therapy
BT Homeopathic drugs
NT Autonosodes
NT Bowel nosodes
Nuclear magnetic
BT Physical research
Object of research
BT Basic research
in homeopathy
NT Animals
NT Eucaryotic
NT Humans
NT Inanimate
NT Plants
NT Procaryotic
NT Viral
Objective symptoms
SN Symptoms noted
by factual observation external to the mind (after EDH).
BT Characteristic symptoms
Observational studies
USE Postmarketing
surveillance studies
Obstacles to cure
SN Factors preventing
favorable response to treatment (EDH).
BT Healing
NT Antidotal effects
NT Health personnel
BT Dosage forms
BT Dosage forms
Oligoelement therapy
SN Therapeutic method
which uses metals and metallic
substances present in the human body, sometimes in
very small doses, but indispensable for the good functioning
of the organism, to cure "functional" diseases (after Binet).
BT Homeopathic therapies
Oncotic miasm
USE Cancerinic miasm
Open trials
SN Trials where
patients and investigators know which treatment
is given
UF Nonblind trials
UF Unblinded trials
BT Controlled clinical trials
Organ affinity
SN Association of
certain homeopathic drugs with specific
organs whose disorders feature prominently in their
materia medica (EDH).
UF Organotropism
BT Drug affinity
NT Homeopathic organizations
SN Original statement
of the principles of homeopathy, developed
by Samuel Hahnemann through a series of six editions from 1810 to
1842 (EDH, p.105).
SN Treatment of
a disorder of a particular organ with a
potentized extract of the same, healthy organ from
another source (EDH).
RT Sarcodes
BT Homeopathic therapies
USE Organ affinity
Ortega school
SN School based
on classical homeopathy and influences
from Jungian analytical psychology, philosophers like
Aristotle, Bergson, Teilhard de Chardin.
BT Latin American schools
Outcome studies
USE Postmarketing
surveillance studies
BT Dosage forms
Partial case taking
SN Case taking based
on the pathology and local symptoms
found in the patient
UF Local case taking
UF Pathological case taking
BT Case taking
Particular symptoms
USE Local symptoms
USE Local symptoms
Paschero school
SN School based
on classical homeopathy and Freudian
BT Latin American schools
SN Study of the
progress of an illness through its various
stages as it becomes established (EDH).
UF Evolution of disease
RT Etiology
BT Disease concepts
NT Syndrome shift
Pathological analysis
SN Case analysis
based on the pathology and local symptoms
found in the patient
BT Evaluation of symptoms
Pathological case
USE Partial case
Pathological changes
USE Local symptoms
USE Disease affinity
Patient organizations
BT Homeopathic organizations
Pattern recognition
BT Physical research
SN The time pattern
of the intermittent or recurrent appearances
of disorders or symptoms (EDH).
BT Time modalities
Pharmaceutical forms
USE Dosage forms
SN The study of
the biochemical and physiological effects
of drugs and the mechanisms of their actions, including
the correlation of actions and effects on the actions
of drugs with their chemical structure; also, such effects
on the actions of a particular drug or drugs (Dorl, p.1271).
BT Homeopathic pharmacology
NT Drug affinity
NT Drug reactions
NT Drug relationships
NT Nocebo effect
NT Placebo effect
NT Toxicity
SN That branch of
pharmacology which deals with the
biological, biochemical, and economic features of
natural drugs and their constituents (Dorl., p.1272).
BT Homeopathic pharmacology
SN Formal documents
describing the composition, properties,
manufacture and quality control of drugs (EDH, p.110).
NT Pharmacopoeias homeopathic
Pharmacopoeias homeopathic
SN A formal document
describing the composition, properties, manufacture
and quality control of homeopathic drugs (after EDH).
RT Drug relationships
BT Pharmacopoeias
NT Medical philosophy
Phosphoric constitution
SN Nebel's association
of tall, lean, supple people
with the characteristics of Calcarea phosphorica (EDH).
UF Longlinear constitution
BT Constitutional types
Physical modalities
SN The influence
of physical factors on the behavior of
a symptom.
BT Modalities
NT Movement modalities
NT Position modalities
Physical models
BT Basic research
in homeopathy
NT Empirical models
NT Physical research methods
NT Theoretical models
Physical research
BT Physical models
NT Conductivity measurements
NT Dielectric measurements
NT Nuclear magnetic resonance
NT Pattern recognition
NT Scattering radiation
NT Spectrometry Xray emission
NT Spectrophotometry atomic absorption
NT Spectrophotometry infrared
NT Spectrophotometry ultraviolet
NT Spectrum analysis mass
NT Spectrum analysis Raman
NT Surface tension measurements
Physical symptoms
USE Local symptoms
SN Persons statutorily
qualified in the science and art of
medicine and surgery (EDH, p.112).
BT Health personnel
NT Homeopathic physicians
Physiological saline
USE Saline
UF Pillules
BT Dosage forms
USE Pills
Pilot studies
SN Clinical trials
often performed to estimate treatment effects
or recruitment rates, to test out the practicability of new methods
and the feasibilty or suitabilty esp. of a protocol to a larger clinical
project, in order to select the most suitable design and to ensure
adequate recruitment; sometimes studies with a poor design are
also called pilot studies to avoid criticism (after Nahl)
UF Exploratory trials
UF Preliminary trials
BT Study design
Placebo controlled
SN Dummy treatment
administered to the control group in a
controlled clinical trial (after Dorl.)
BT Controlled clinical trials
Placebo effect
SN A beneficial
therapeutic effect obtained by the use
of non-characteristic factors of a therapy for a disease
in a patient.
RT Nocebo effect
RT Self healing
BT Pharmacodynamics
BT Object of research
USE Pluralist homeopathy
Pluralist homeopathy
SN Method of homeopathic
therapeutics using prescriptions
of more than one drug at a time (EDH).
UF Polypharmacy
RT Pluralist homeopathy doctrine
BT Homeopathic therapies
Pluralist homeopathy
SN Theory of homeopathic
therapeutics using prescriptions
of more than one drug at a time (after EDH)
UF Pluralism
RT Pluralist homeopathy
BT Homeopathic doctrines
SN The practice
of further diluting homeopathic medicines
and resuccussing before each dose or at regular intervals. (EDH)
BT Dosage regime
PMS studies
USE Postmarketing
surveillance studies
SN Amed/CATS term
RT Toxicity
Polarization theory
BT Theoretical models
SN Drugs that are
widely applicable because it is capable
of producing a wide range of reactive symptoms in provers
during pathogenetic experiments; constitutional drugs (Gaier).
BT Homeopathic drugs
Polymerization theory
BT Theoretical models
USE Pluralist homeopathy
Position modalities
SN The influence
of being in a certain position such as
sitting on the behavior of a symptom.
BT Physical modalities
Positive vicariation
USE Regressive vicariation
USE Dosage regime
Postmarketing observational
USE Postmarketing
surveillance studies
Postmarketing surveillance
SN Usually open
studies investigating the efficacy and safety
of a drug under routine conditions in daily practice. The drugs
are prescribed by the practitioner (Product surveillance, postmarketing
is used in MeSH)
UF Drug monitoring
UF Observational studies
UF Outcome studies
UF PMS studies
UF Postmarketing observational studies
UF Product surveillance, postmarketing
BT Clinical trials
SN Drug solutions
prepared in accordance with homeopathic
pharmacopoeial standards (after Gaier, p354).
BT Homeopathic drugs
NT C Potencies
NT D Potencies
NT High potencies
NT K Potencies
NT LM Potencies
NT Low potencies
NT M Potencies
NT Medium potencies
NT Q Potencies
Potency energy
USE Activity of
Potency selection
SN The choice of
which potency of a particular drug is to be prescribed
BT Dosage regime
USE Potentization
SN Method of preparing
a homeopathic drug by means
of succussion or trituration between serial dilution.
UF Dynamization
UF Potentisation
UF Potentizing methods
UF Serial dilution
BT Standard preparation methods
NT Automated potentization
NT Centesimal potentization
NT Decimal potentization
NT Fifty millesimal potentization
NT Fincke continuous flux
NT Hahnemannian potentization
NT Homeopathic dilution
NT Homeopathic trituration
NT Jenichen potentization
NT Korsakov potentization
NT Lock potentization
NT Manual potentization
NT Mure potentization
NT Skinner discontinuous flux
NT Succussion
NT Swan continuous flux
Potentization principle
SN The principle
that states the activity of a homeopathic
drug can be developed by serial dilution with succussion,
including trituration or fluxion, employed in its production
from its stock (after EDH).
BT Homeopathic philosophy
Potentizing methods
USE Potentization
BT Dosage forms
Practitioner organizations
BT Homeopathic organizations
Precipitating factor
USE Etiology
Preliminary trials
USE Pilot studies
Prescribing strategies
SN Plans of treatment
involving a number of separate
stages and options (EDH).
BT Case analysis and treatment
NT Dosage regime
NT Drug selection
NT Follow up prescription
NT Intercurrent drugs prescribing
NT Sequential drugs prescribing
Primary drug actions
USE Primary reactions
Primary reactions
SN First phase of
biological response to a drug. Produces
the expected effect of a material dose of the drug (EDH).
UF Primary drug actions
RT Homeopathic aggravation
RT Hormesis
BT Drug reactions
Principle of similarity
USE Similia principle
BT Object of research
Product surveillance,
USE Postmarketing
surveillance studies
Professional homeopaths
SN Homeopathic practitioners
who have undergone a prescribed
course of instruction (currently not formally defined or
regulated), but who are not physicians. Nonmedical qualified
practitioners, NMQP (after EDH, p.119).
BT Homeopathic therapists
Progressive vicariation
SN Intensification
and degeneration of disease, hence a
biologically unfavorable and dangerous shift (Claus, p.47 & 67.)
UF Negative vicariation
BT Vicariation phenomenon
Prospective studies
SN Study design
and protocol is defined before treatment
of the patients starts
BT Study design
SN A document that
states the rationale, objectives, statistical
design, and methodology of the trial and the conditions under
which it is to be performed and managed (ACT)
BT Study design
SN Healthy volunteers
who record changes in his or her condition
during and after the administration of the substance to be
proved (EDH)
BT Homeopathic drug provings
Proving principle
SN The principle
that states the administration of repeated
doses of substances in natural form, mother tincture
or potency to healthy volunteers can elicit effects from
which the homeopathic materia medica of the substance
may be derived (EDH).
RT Homeopathic drug provings
BT Homeopathic philosophy
Proving symptoms
SN Effects of the
proving substance which appear in a volunteer
during a homeopathic drug proving. If a homeopathic drug is
given to a patient, effects that are the characteristics of the
drug and not of the patient or the illness itself (after EDH)
UF Symptoms of homeopathic proving
BT Characteristic symptoms
BT Homeopathic drug provings
Provoking factor
USE Etiology
Pseudo-psoric miasm
USE Tuberculinic
Psionic medicine
USE Radiesthesia
USE Psoric miasm
Psoric miasm
SN Susceptibility
to or manifestation of a particular
pattern of morbidity originally associated with "itch";
more recently associated with a pattern of disorder
characterized by instability of the organism and its
self-regulating mechanisms (EDH).
UF Psora
BT Miasms
Purified water
USE Aqua purificata
Q Potencies
SN Quinquagenimillesimal
or 50-millesimal dynamizations
RT LM Potencies
BT Potencies
Quality control
SN All operational
techniques used in order to check if a product meets
its specification.
BT Homeopathy
SN Technique to
find the correct homeopathic drug
by using a pendulum.
UF Psionic medicine
BT Diagnostic methods
SN Techniques which
records the body's (or part of the
body, like drop of blood) vibrational spectrum. The
correct homeopathic drug annihilates the deviant
spectrum in case of a disease. One of the founders is
A. Abrams.
BT Diagnostic methods
NT Emanometer method
Randomized controlled
SN Experimental
subjects are assigned to treatment groups
according to some known probability distribution (Dorl.)
BT Controlled clinical trials
Reaction phase
USE Inflammation
Reappearance of old
SN Symptoms which
appear to have resolved in the past
recur temporarily in response to homeopathic treatment (EDH).
RT Herings law
BT Drug reactions
Reckeweg HH
SN German physician
(1905-1985). Founder of antihomotoxic
USE Healing
Regressive vicariation
SN A biologically
positive evolution of the disease towards
less dangerous stages of development, in order to enable
a cure from these stages, usually characterized by the
resumption of detoxifying processes (after Claus).
UF Positive vicariation
BT Vicariation phenomenon
Relationship of drugs
USE Drug relationships
Remedies that follow
USE Complementary
Remedy picture
USE Drug picture
SN Technique of
using a repertory to identify the
homeopathic drugs whose Materia Medica
corresponds most closely to the clinical picture of
the patient and from amongst which the simillimum
may be chosen (EDH).
BT Case analysis
NT Computer repertorization
SN Systematic cross
reference of symptoms and disorders
to the homeopathic drugs in whose therapeutic repertoire
they occur (EDH, p.125).
NT Repertory changes
Repertory changes
SN Errors found
in the repertory, which are often printing
errors between one edition and another.
UF Repertory errors
BT Repertory
Repertory errors
USE Repertory changes
Repetition of dose
SN A repeat prescription
of the same drug, not
necessarily the same potency.
BT Follow up prescription
Retrospective studies
SN Data for the
studies are taken from files; treatment was
done before study design and protocol was defined.
BT Study design
UF Sucrose
BT Drug carriers
Saccharum lactis
UF Lactose
UF Milk sugar
BT Drug carriers
UF Physiological
BT Drug carriers
Sankaran school
BT Homeopathic schools
SN Homeopathic drugs
derived from healthy animal tissues
or secretions which have their own drug pictures (EDH).
RT Organotherapy
BT Homeopathic drugs
NT Suis organ drugs
Scattering radiation
BT Physical research
Schmidt P
SN Swiss homeopathic
physician (1894-1987). Responsible
for reintroducing
clinical homeopathy into Europe (Yasgur)
Scholten school
BT Homeopathic
Schuessler WH
Schussler salt therapy
USE Biochemic therapy
USE Biochemic drugs
Seasonal modalities
SN The influence
of certain factors on the behavior of a
BT Modalities
Seasonal symptoms
SN Effects of
seasonal factors on the person
BT General symptoms
Second prescription
USE Follow up
Secondary drug actions
USE Secondary
Secondary reactions
SN Second phase
of biological response to a homeopathic drug,
producing an effect antidotal to the natural action of a material
dose of a homeopathic drug (EDH).
UF Secondary drug actions
RT Hormesis
BT Drug reactions
Self healing
SN The process
occurring when some mechanism within
a biological system detects and adjusts for unfavourable
changes within a system (Dorl, p.164).
UF Amelioration
UF Autoregulation
UF Self regulation
RT Placebo effect
RT Vital force
BT Healing
Self regulation
USE Self healing
USE Symptomatology
USE Symptomatology
Sensations as if
SN Symptoms considered
to be similar to other experiences (EDH).
UF As if symptoms
BT Characteristic symptoms
Sensitivity to cold
SN A heightened,
but not abnormal degree of responsiveness
to cold (after EDH).
BT Weather modalities
Sensitivity to heat
SN A heightened,
but not abnormal degree of responsiveness
to heat (after EDH).
BT Weather modalities
Sensitivity to wind
SN A heightened,
but not abnormal degree of responsiveness to wind.
BT Weather modalities
Sensory stimulation
SN The influence
of sensory stimuli such as bathing, touch,
moonlight on the behavior of a symptom.
BT Modalities
Sequential drugs
SN A treatment
planned at first case analysis which involves taking
a sequence of different drugs
BT Prescribing strategies
Serial dilution
USE Potentization
SN The constitution
of an individual in relation to sexual
attitudes or activity (Dorl. p1514)
BT Mental symptoms
Sherr school
BT Homeopathic
SN Shrinking from
approach or familiarity (Cassells).
UF Timidity
BT Mental symptoms
Side effects
USE Adverse effects
USE Laterality
Similia principle
SN The underlying
principle of homeopathy that substances may
be used therapeutically to treat disorders similar to that
which they will themselves induce in a healthy subject (EDH).
(Use Similia principle when discussing the whole idea "Similia
similibus curentur").
UF Law of similars
UF Principle of similarity
BT Homeopathic philosophy
NT Similimum
SN The single
homeopathic medicine the drug picture of which
most nearly approaches the total symptom complex
of the patient (Gaier, p.509).
(use Similimum when discussing the drug.)
UF Simillimum
BT Similia principle
USE Similimum
Single blind method
SN Subjects do
not know which treatment (verum or placebo)
they are receiving (after Dorl.)
BT Controlled clinical trials
Single case experimental
SN A pre-planned,
usually controlled, clinical trial of the safety
and efficacy of diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs,
devices, or techniques with one patient. Please combine it
with a type of clinical trial.
BT Study design
Single drugs
SN Homeopathic
preparations consisting of only one
medicine derived from only one source material at
one time (after EDH).
UF Single medicines
UF Single remedies
BT Drug selection
BT Homeopathic drugs
Single glass method
USE Korsakov potentization
Single medicines
USE Single drugs
Single remedies
USE Single drugs
Six phases table
SN Reckeweg has
created the homotoxic phases of the body's
own defense mechanisms as a morphological and chronological
structure for the organism to respond to threatening toxic substances
(after Schmid)
UF Homotoxic phases
UF Table of homotoxicosis
BT Homotoxicology
NT Biological division
NT Cellular phases
NT Humoral phases
NT Matrix phases
Skin types
SN Skin typology
devised by Dorcsi.
BT Typology
Skinner discontinuous
SN Method of performing
each stage (at 1:100) in the process
of serial dilution in which only one container is used
throughout the process, but there is no additional succussion.
The only succussion happens through the turbulence of
the water being directed into the recipient.
BT Potentization
Sleep symptoms
SN Sleep processes
and position
BT General symptoms
NT Dream symptoms
Somatic symptoms
USE Local symptoms
Sources of homeopathic
SN Crude substances
from which homeopathic drugs are derived
BT Homeopathic drugs
BT Homeopathic pharmacology
Spagiric drugs
SN Homeopathic
preparations exclusively botanical in origin
according to the manufacturing process by Krauss
BT Homeopathic drugs
SN Homeopathic
therapy after Theodor Krauss (1864-1924).
Spagiric drugs are manufactured according to special
preparation methods. Do not confuse with Spagyrik.
UF Electro-complex-homeopathy
UF JSO complex therapy
RT Electrohomeopathy
BT Homeopathic therapies
Spagyric drugs
SN Homeopathic
preparations according to the manufacturing
process by Zimpel, Pekana, Strathmeyer and others
BT Homeopathic drugs
SN Homeopathic
therapy after Carl Friedrich Zimpel
(1800-1878), Pekana, Strathmeyer and others. Used
mother tinctures manufactured according to special
preparation methods. Do not confuse with Spagirik.
BT Homeopathic therapies
Spectrometry Xray
BT Physical research
atomic absorption
BT Physical research
BT Physical research
BT Physical research
Spectrum analysis
BT Physical research
Spectrum analysis
BT Physical research
BT Dosage forms
Standard preparation
SN Method of manufacturing
standard preparations containing
one or several active ingredients and adjuvants (after Dorl).
BT Homeopathic pharmacy
NT Impregnation
NT Mother tincture preparation
NT Potentization
Strange rare or peculiar
SN Symptoms that
are highly individual because they are
uncommon, surprising or idiosyncratic (EDH).
BT Guiding symptoms
SN Treatment groups
are disposed in layers e.g. according to
the degree of severity of a disease. Treatments are mostly
randomized within the groups.
BT Controlled clinical trials
Study design
BT Clinical research
NT Controlled clinical trials
NT Multicenter studies
NT Pilot studies
NT Prospective studies
NT Protocols
NT Retrospective studies
NT Single case experimental design
Subjective symptoms
SN The individual
interpretation and expression of symptoms
experienced by the patient (after EDH).
UF Functional symptoms
BT Characteristic symptoms
SN Vigorous shaking,
with impact, carried out at each
stage of dilution in the preparation of a homeopathic
potency (EDH).
BT Potentization
USE Saccharose
Suis organ drugs
SN Remedies prepared
from organic tissues of healthy pigs
BT Sarcodes
Sulphuric constitution
SN An elaboration
by Henri Bernard of Nebel's
morphological types. Characteristically of
moderate height and weight, balanced proportions
and normal development (EDH).
UF Normalinear constitution
BT Constitutional types
Support groups
BT Homeopathic
BT Dosage forms
Surface tension measurements
BT Physical research
USE Disease susceptibility
SN Toxins of pig
BT Homotoxin
Swan continuous flux
SN Method of performing
a process of serial dilution in
which there are no clearly defined dilution stages and
the potentization happens through the turbulence of the
water being injected under pressure into the recipient.
BT Potentization
USE Sycotic miasm
Sycotic miasm
SN Acquired or
inherited effects of gonorrhoea. Person
suffering from excess (after Gaier, p.345).
UF Sycosis
BT Miasms
SN The study of
symptoms and signs in homeopathic
therapeutics (EDH).
UF Semiology
UF Semiotics
BT Homeopathy
NT Characteristic symptoms
NT Modalities
Symptoms of homeopathic
USE Proving symptoms
Syndrome shift
SN The phenomenon
on which an existing syndrome in the
patient is displaced by another condition (EDH).
BT Pathogenesis
Synergetic effects
USE Synergistic
Synergistic effects
SN The combined
effect of drugs that exceeds their individual
effects in an organism (EDH).
UF Burgi's principle
UF Synergetic effects
BT Drug relationships
Syphilitic miasm
SN Acquired or
inherited effects of syphilis. Person
suffering from destructive tendencies (after Gaier, p.345). (Use
syphilis only in case of the disease.)
UF Luetic miasm
BT Miasms
UF Linctuses
BT Dosage forms
System organization
BT Theoretical
Table of homotoxicosis
USE Six phases
BT Dosage forms
Tautopathic drugs
USE Homeopathic
drugs synthetic origin
SN The use of
a potentized preparation of a conventional
drug that was itself the cause of the disorder (EDH).
RT Homeopathic drugs synthetic origin
BT Isopathy
Temperature modalities
SN The influence
of temperature on the behavior of a symptom (EDH).
BT Modalities
Temperature symptoms
SN Effects of
temperature on the person (Boyd)
BT General symptoms
SN The combination
of a diversity of preconditions
found in the individual that make him or her
susceptible to illness. The "soil" in which the "seed"
of the illness may be sown(after EDH and Gaier, p.543).
BT Typology
Theoretical models
BT Physical models
NT Clathrate theory
NT Electron resonance promotion theory
NT Polarization theory
NT Polymerization theory
NT System organization theory
NT Vibration modulation theory
Therapeutic aggravations
USE Homeopathic
Time modalities
SN The influence
of the time of day on the behavior of a symptom.
Symptoms often show characteristic time pattern or diurnal
variation (EDH).
BT Modalities
NT Periodicity
Time symptoms
SN Effects of
time factors on the person
BT General symptoms
USE Shyness
Tissue affinity
SN The tendency
for a certain homeopathic drug to act
on a particular type of body tissue (EDH).
UF Histiotropism
BT Drug affinity
Tissue remedies
USE Biochemic
Total case taking
SN Case taking
covering the total presenting symptoms
including pathological, general, and mental symptoms
BT Case taking
SN Used for drugs
and chemicals for experimental human
and animal studies of their ill effects to determine safety
levels (after MeSH)
RT Poisoning
BT Pharmacodynamics
Transpiration symptoms
SN Sweating of
various parts of the body
BT General symptoms
USE Homeopathic
Tuberculinic miasm
SN Acquired or
inherited effects of tuberculosis. Person
suffering from exhaustion (after Gaier, p.345).
UF Pseudo-psoric miasm
BT Miasms
SN The classification
of human beings according to
their physical and/or psychological characteristics
that allows identification with a matching drug
picture (after Vannier and Gaier, p.560).
BT Homeopathic diagnostics and treatment
NT Constitutional types
NT Miasms
NT Skin types
NT Terrain
Ultra high dilutions
USE High potencies
Unblinded trials
USE Open trials
USE Classical
homeopathy doctrine
Unicist homeopathy
USE Classical
Uniformist model
BT Empirical models
SN A bioenergetic
and treatment method developed by Helmut
Schimmel (after Yasgur)
BT Diagnostic methods
Vehicle substances
USE Drug carriers
USE Drug carriers
BT Dosage forms
Vibration modulation
BT Theoretical
Vicariation phenomenon
SN The process
of alternation of phases or tissues by the
homotoxins (Claus, p.47).
BT Homotoxicology
NT Progressive vicariation
NT Regressive vicariation
BT Object of research
Vis mediatrix naturae
USE Vital force
Vital force
SN Spirit-like
vital force that animates the material body (EDH)
UF Dynamis
UF Entelechy
UF Life force
UF Vis mediatrix naturae
RT Self healing
BT Homeopathic philosophy
Vithoulkas school
SN School based
on classical homeopathy but with emphasis on
case analysis and its reliance on remedy essences, keynotes,
and case totality (after Yasgur)
BT Homeopathic schools
Water clusters
BT Clathrate theory
Weather modalities
SN The influence
of particular weather or weather changes
on the behavior of a symptom (EDH).
BT Modalities
NT Sensitivity to cold
NT Sensitivity to heat
NT Sensitivity to wind
Weather symptoms
SN Effects of
weather, e.g. frost and wind on the person (Boyd)
BT General symptoms
USE D Potencies