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EAGLE R. Alternative medicine
London: Futura, 1978. 1024. 615.85. 0-7088-1464-6

EASTHAM RD. Biochemical values in clinical medicine
Bristol: John Wright & Sons Ltd, 1971. 4th ed 12. 615.33. 0723602980

EATON K,ADAMS A,DUBERLY J. Allergy therapeutics
London: Bailliere Tindall, 1982. 164. 616.0563. 0-7020-0933-4

ECH DOCUMENTATION SUB-COMMITTEE. International guide on homoeopathic documentation resources
Gent: Homeoden Bookservice, 1996. 3rd ed 2877. 610.3.

EDWARDS S (ED). Neurological physiotherapy. A problem-solving approach
Edinburgh: Churchill-Livingstone, 1996. 2903. 615.8 ALLO. 0-443-4887-8

EEMAN LE. Co-operative healing
London, UK: Fredrick Muller Ltd, 1947. 3372. 615.85.

EGGERT W. The homoeopathic therapeutics of uterine and vaginal discharges
Philadelphia: Boericke and Tafel, 1878. 737. 618.1.

EISING N. The provings of granite, marble and limestone
Co Galway, Ireland: The Burren School of Homoeopathy, 3056. 615.1.

EISING N. Ignis alcoholis, SuccinumProvings
Kinvara, Co. Galway: The Burren School of Homoeopathy, 1998. 3292. 615.1.

EISING N. Vacuum the proving
Co.Galway, Ireland.: The Burren School of Homoeopathy, 2000. 3657. 615.1.

EIZAYAGA F,AMARA L. Clinical Homeopathic Algorithms - Pediatrics
Lynn Amara: Lynn, 1988. 1298. 615.54.

EIZAYAGA F,AMARA L. Clinical homeopathic algorithms - cardiovascular disorders
No place: Lynn Amara, 1988. 1308. 615.54.

EIZAYAGA F,AMARA L. Clinical Homeopathic Algorithms - Cerebrovasular disorders
No place: Lynn Amara, 1988. 1309. 615.54.

EIZAYAGA F,AMARA L. Clinical Homeopathic Algorithms - Dermatological Disorders
No place: Lynn Amara, 1988. 1310. 615.54.

EIZAYAGA F,AMARA L. Clinical Homeopathic Algorithms - Ear/Nose/Throat Disorders
No place: Lynn Amara, 1988. 1311. 615.54.

EIZAYAGA F,AMARA L. Clinical Homeopathic Algorithms - Gastrointestinal Disorders & Hepatic and Biliary Disorders
No place: Lynn Amara, 1988. 1312. 615.54.

EIZAYAGA F,AMARA L. Clinical Homeopathic Algorithms - Gynaecological Disorders
No place: Lynn Amara, 1988. 1313. 615.54.

EIZAYAGA F,AMARA L. Clinical Homeopathic Algorithms - Hematological Disorders
No place: Lynn Amara, 1988. 1314. 615.54.

EIZAYAGA F,AMARA L. Clinical Homeopathic Algorithms - Infectious & Parasitic Disorders / Disorders of Uncertain Etiology, Musculoskeletal/Joint/Connective Tissue DisordersNo place: Lynn Amara, 1988. 1315. 615.54.

EIZAYAGA F,AMARA L. Clinical Homeopathic Algorithms - Neurological Disorders
No place: Lynn Amara, 1988. 1316. 615.54.

EIZAYAGA F,AMARA L. Clinical Homeopathic Algorithms - Psychological Disorders
No place: Lynn Amara, 1988. 1317. 615.54.

EIZAYAGA F,AMARA L. Clinical Homeopathic Algorithms - Pulmonary DisordersNo place: Lynn Amara, 1988. 1318. 615.54.

EIZAYAGA F,AMARA L. Clinical Homeopathic Algorithms - Uretogenital DisordersNo place: Lynn Amara, 1988. 1319. 615.54.

EIZAYAGA F,AMARA L. Proceedings XLI International Congress of the Homeopathic Medical League, Rio de Janeiro, September 8-12, 1986
No place: Lynn Amara, 1986. 1321,1322.

FX. Enfermedades agudas febriles
Buenos Aires: Marecel, 1978. 1226. 616.9.

EIZAYAGA FX. Tratado de medicina homeopatica
Buenos Aires: Marecel, 1981. 2nd ed 1227. 615.53.

EIZAYAGA FX. El moderno repertorio de Kent
Buenos Aires: Marecel, 1979. 1228. 615.7.

EIZAYAGA FX. Treatise on homoeopathic medicine
Buenos Aires: Ediciones Marcel, 1991. 1523,3246. 615.53.

ELLIOTT M,PINKUS T. Homoeopathy, the shepherd's guide
London: Ainsworths Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 1993. 1686. 619.

ELLIOTT M. Horses and homoeopathy, a guide for yard and stable
London: Ainsworths Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 1994. 1994. 619. 0-9523411-0-7

ELLIOTT M,PINKUS T. Dogs and homoeopathy: the owner's companion
London: Ainsworths, 1996. 3277. 619. 0-9523411-1-5

ELLIOTT M,PINKUS T. Homoeopathy for a healthier cat
London: Ainsworths, 1999. 3315. 619. 0952341158

ELMIGER J. Rediscovering real medicine: the new horizons of homoeopathy
Shaftesbury UK: Element, 1998. 3258. 615.53. 1-86204-199-7

EMSLIE WH. Jehovah, Jesus & the church
Crieff: David Philips, 1992. 1520. 615.53.

ENDLER C,SCHULTE J. Ultra high dilution. Physiology & physics
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994. 1710,1813,3595. 615.530015. 0-7923-2676-8

ENDLER PC,ENDLER H. Drachen-Traum: a gesundwerdegeschichte
Wien, Austria: Wilhelm Maudrich, 2001. 3669. 615.85. 3851757599

EPPENICH H. Geschichte der deutschen homoopathischen krankenhauser: von den anfangen bis zum ende des Ersten Weltkriegs
Heidelberg: Karl F Haug, 1995. 3850. 930. 3776014970

EPPS,THATCHER. Twelve tissue remedies
London: Epps, Thatcher, 1920. 1065. 615.33.

EPPS J. Ovarian and womb diseases
London: James Epps, 1872. 2nd ed 735. 618.

EPPS J. Homoeopathy and its principles explained
London: English Homoeopathic Assn, 1850. 163. 615.53.

EPPS J. Constipation
London: Piper, Stephenson & Spence, 1854. 248. 616.35.

EPPS R. The homoeopathic family instructor
London: James Epps & Co, No year. 3817. 615.54.

ERNEST M. Everyday chronic maladies
London: Adam & Co., 1925. 433. 615.53.

ERNST E. Complementary medicine: an objective appraisal
Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996. 2996,3235. 615.85. 0 7506314  1 4

ERNST E (ED),HAHN EG. Homoeopathy: a critical appraisal
Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998. 3113,3222. 615.530015. 0-7506-3564-9

ERNST E (ED). The desktop guide to complementary and alternative medicine
London, UK: Mosby (Harcourt Publishers Ltd), 2001. 3711. 615.530015. 0723432074

ERTL M. Zur Neuropsychologie der chronischen Holzschutzmittelbelastung
Stuttgart: Hippokrates Verlag (Edition Forschung), 1992. 3183. 615.530015. 3777312401

EUROPEAN AMERICAN COALITION ON HOMEOPATHY.. Homeotherapy : definitions and theraputic schools.
Hugelsheim, Germany.: Offsetdruckerei GmbH Naber, 1997. 3644. 610.3. 2951146701

EUROPEAN COMMISSION. Dictionary of homoeopathy
Brussels,: European Commission, 1996. 3091. 615.53.

EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR HOMOEOPATHY. Homoeopathy in Europe: developing standards for professional practice of homoeopathy in the European Union
Rotterdam, Netherlands: ECH, 1994. 3110,3476. 614.2.

EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR HOMOEOPATHY. A strategy for research in homoeopathy: assessing the value of homoeopathy for health care in Europe
Rotterdam, Netherlands: ECH, 1997. 3111. 615.530015.

EVANS M. Extending the art of healing: an introduction to anthroposophical medicine
London: Rudolf Steiner Press, No year. 1510,3148,3563. 615.85.

EVANS M,RODGER I. Anthroposophical Medicine. Healing for Body, Soul and Spirit
London: Thorsons, 1992. 1640. 615.85. 0-7225-2771-3

EVANS M. Meditative provings
Holgate, UK: The Rose Press, 2000. 3676. 615.1. 0953888002

EVANS M. Medicine: extending the art of healing
Unknown: Rudlof Steiner Press, 1974?. 856. 616.

EWART CD. Everybody's self-healer
Bristol: CD Ewart, No year. 191. 615.7.

EWING AC. Venereal diseases
Edinburgh: E & S Livingstone, 1944. 2nd ed 726. 616.97.

EYRE TJ. Biochemic Therapeutics
London: Homoeopathic Publishing Co., No year. 1606,2941. 615.33.

EYRE TJ. Biochemic therapeutics
No place: The Chromo Bio-Chemical Co, 1966. 2966. 615.33.


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