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JACK RAF. Introducing homoeopathy into general practice
No place: No publisher, 1980. 1084,220. 615.53.

JACK RAF. Homeopathy in general practice
Beaconsfield, Bucks, UK: Beaconsfield, 2001. 3620,3619. 615.54. 0906584515

JACOBI & PRINGLE JJ. Dermochromes, Vol I
London: Rebman Ltd, 1904. 694. 616.5.

JACOBI & PRINGLE JJ. Dermochromes, Vol II
London: Rebman Ltd, 1904. 694. 616.5.

JADAD A. Randomized controlled trials
London: BMJ Books, 1998. 3303. 611.08. 0727912089

JAHR G,POSSART,HEMPEL CJ. Jahr's and Possart's New Manual of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica
New York: William Radde, 1853. 4th ed 219. 615.1.

JAHR GH. Homoeopathic Treatment of Diseases of Females
New York: Wm Radde, 1856. English ed 777. 618.

JAHR GHG,HEMPEL CJ. Therapeutic guide: the most important results of 40 years practice
New York: Boericke & Tafel, 1879. 481. 615.54.

JAHR GHG,CURIE PF (TRANS.). Manual of homoeopathic medicine
London: Hippolyte Bailliere, 1847. 480/2. 615.54.

JAHR GHG,CURIE PF (TRANS.). Manual of homoeopathic medicine
London: Hippolyte Bailliere, 1847. 480/2. 615.54.

JAHR GHG,HEMPEL CJ (TRANS.). Jahr's new manual or symptomen codex vol.3; complete repertory
New York: William Radde, 1853. Revised ed 510. 615.7.

JAHR GHG, CURIE PF (TRANS.). Manual of homoeopathic medicine: Part 1 - materia medica
London: Hippolyte Balliere, 1847. 2nd ed. 3808. 615.1.

JAHR GHG, CURIE PF (TRANS.). Manual of homoeopathic medicine: Part 2 therapeutical and symptomatological repertory
London: Hippolyte Balliere, 1847. 2nd ed. 3811. 615.7.

JAIN MK. Directory and Who's Who of Homoeopathic Practitioners 1970-71
New Delhi: JAin Publishers, 1970. 780. 610.3.

JAMIL T. Complementary medicine: a practical guide
Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997. 3114. 615.85. 0-7506-2881-2

JAMIL T,EVENNETT K. The alternative pregnancy handbook
London: Judy Piatkus Ltd, 2000. 3521. 618. 074992117X

JANSEN JW. Synthetic bedside repertory for Gestation, Childbirth & Childbed
Haarlem: Merllijn Publishers, 1992. 1517. 618. 90800425-3-0

JAYASURIYA A. Clinical homoeopathy. A to Z homoeopathy
New Delhi: B. Jain, 1987. 3rd ed 1267. 615.53.

JEFFERSON T,DEMICHELI V,MUGFORD M. Elementary economic evaluation in health care
London, UK: BMJ Publishing Group, 1996. 3159. 611.08. 0-7279-1074-4

JENNER E. Immunisation against infectious disease 1996
London: HMSO, 1996. 3613,3614. 615.37. 011321815X

JENNY S,MONCKTON T (EDS.). Cost action B4: supplement to the final report of the management committee
COST B4 1993-98. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1999. 3655. 615.85. 9282874346

JESSEN HC. Therapeutical materia medica
New Delhi: B. Jain, 1991. 1500. 615.1.

JOHANNESSEN H (ED.). Studies in alternative therapy 1: contributions from the Nordic countries
Gylling: Odense University Press, 1994. 1814. 615.85. 8778380650

JOHNSON C,MELVILLE A. Hayfever - no need to suffer
London: Corgi Books, 1985. 3230. 616.211. 055212480X

JOHNSON ID. Therapeutic Key
Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel, 1922. 22nd ed 549. 615.54.

JOHNSON ID. Therapeutic key
Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel, 1934. 25th ed 2964. 615.54.

JOHNSTON L. Everyday miracles
Van Nuys: Christine Kent Agency, 1991. 1487. 615.53. 1-877-691-00-3

JOHNSTON L. Repertory additions from Kent's lectures on homeopathic                 materia medica
Los Angeles: Christine Kent Agency, 1990. 2nd ed 1497. 615.7. 1-877691-24-0

JOHNSTON L. The human body as a free market system: homeopathy as free market therapeutics
Van Nuys USA: Christine Kent, 1998. 3265. 615.53. 1-877-691-23-2

JOHNSTON L. Dr. Johnston's essays on the physiological and psychological characteristics of the homeopathic materia medica SEPIA
Van Nuys, USA: Christine Kent Agency, 1995. 3724. 615.1. 1877691259

JOLLYMAN N. My Practice of Homoeopathy
New Delhi: B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, 1991. 1620. 616.

JOLLYMAN NW. Index and repertory to the homoeopathic drug pictures of Dr. M. L. Tyler
Saffron Walden: C W Daniel, 1988. 1247,3592. 615.7. 0-85207-201-5

JOLLYMAN NW. Asthma: causes, types and homoeopathic treatment
New Delhi: B. Jain, No year. 1463. 616.24.

JONAS WB,JACOBS J. Healing with homeopathy: the complete guide
New York, USA: Warner Books, 1996. 3061. 615.53. 0-446-51869-7

JONAS WB,LEVIN JS. Essentials of complementary and alternative medicine
Philadelphia USA: Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 1999. 3350. 615.85. 068330674X

JONES EG. Definite medication
Boston: Therapeutic Publishing Company Inc., 1911. 411. 615.54.

JONES EI. Cancer, its causes, symptoms & treatment
New Delhi: B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, 1994. 1736. 616.0066. 81-7021-142-5

JONES FP. Body awareness in action. A study of the Alexander Technique
New York: Schocken Books, 1976. 1288. 615.85. 0-8052-0628-0

JONES P. What is orgone energy? A short history and explanation
Preston, UK: Centre for Orgonomic Research and Education, 1998. 3145,3146. 615.85.

JONES S. Medical genius; a guide to the cure
Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel, 1912. 5th ed 373. 615.1.

JOUANNY J. The essential of homeopathic therapeutics
Lyons: Boiron, 1980. 949,944,1234,3590,173. 615.54.

JOUANNY J. The essentials of homeopathic materia medica
Lyons: Boiron, 1980. 948,943,1235. 615.1.

JOUANNY J. Iconographie des remedes de la peau
Lyon: Boiron, 1977. 2nd ed 947. 616.5.

JOUANNY J,CRAPANNE J-B,DANCER H,MASSON J-L. Homeopathic therapeutics. Possibilities in chronic pathology
Lyon: Editions Boiron, 1994. 1838. 615.54. 2-85742-109-5

JOUANNY J,CRAPANNE J-B,DANCER H,MASSON J-L. Homeopathic therapeutics: possibiities in acute pathology
Lyon, France: Editions Boiron, 1996. 3037. 615.54. 2-85742-120-6

JOUANNY, J. The essentials of homeopathic materia medica
Lyon: Laboratoire Boiron, 1984. 3599. 615.1. 2 85742 010 2

JULIAN O. Etudes homeopathiques: cliniques et therapeutiques
Paris, France: J. Peyronnet & Cie, 1958. 3748. 615.54.

JULIAN OA. Materia Medica of New Homoeopathic Remedies
Beaconsfield: Beaconsfield, 1979. English ed 923,3347. 615.1. 0-906584-02-7

JULIAN OA. Intestinal nosodes of Bach-Paterson
New Delhi: B Jain, 1981. 1488. 615.36.

JULIAN OA. Treatise on Dynamised Micro-Immunotherapy
New Delhi: B Jain Publishers, 1992. 1581. 615.36.

JULIAN OA. Intestinal nosodes of Bach-Paterson
New Delhi: B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, 1991. 1798. 615.36.

JULIAN, OA. Materia medica of new homoeopathic remedies
Beaconsfield: Beaconsfield Publishers Ltd, 1979. 3580. 615.1. 0 906584 11 6

JUNG I. Akupunktur als Behandlungsmethode bei mannlicher Sterilitat
Stuttgart: Hippokrates Verlag, 1995. 2811. 615.85. 37773-1184-7

JUTTE R,RISSE GB,WOODWARD J (EDS). Culture, knowledge and healing: historical perspectives of homeopathic medicine in Europe and North America
Sheffield: European Association for the History of Medicine and Health Publications, 1998. 3204,3512. 930. 0-9527045-7-9

JUTTE R. Wege der alternativen medizin:ein lesebuch
Munchen, Germany: Beck'scheReihe, 1996. 3366,3674. 615.85. 3406392717


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