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  1. Albrecht H,Schutte A. Homeopathy versus antibiotics in metaphylaxis of infectious diseases: a clinical study in pig fattening and its significance to consumers. Alternat Ther Health Med 1999 Sept; 5(5):64-68

  2. Aulas J-J. L'evaluation clinique contemporaine de l'homeopathie; deuxieme partie; pediatrie et medecine veterinaire. Homeopathie 1985 5(47):35-37

  3. Baumans V,Oude Luttikhuis WMT,Bol C,Visser JJ,Beynen AC. Cholesterol metabolism in cholesterol-fed rabbits treated with Chelidonium3x(=D3) Int J Vet Homoeopath 1987 Apr;2(1): 8-12

  4. Briones F. The effect of barium carbonicum LM II and the combination of calcium carbonicum LM 1 and calcium phosphoricum LM II on the weight of pigs with retarded growth. Int J Vet Homoeopath 1989 Oct;4(2):2-4

  5. Canello S,Gasparini G,Luisetto P,Pomerri F. Bone CT mineral analysis in chickens: effects of substances in homeopathic concentration. Proc. 50th LMHI Congress, Oaxaca, Mexico 1995 335-346

  6. Canello S,Bissaro P,Granata M,De Angelis L. Analysis through computed axial tomography of the biological effect of homoeopathically prepared substances on spongy bone tissue. Proc. 51st LMHI Congr., Capri, Italy 1996 123-125

  7. Day C. Clinical trials in bovine mastitis. Use of nosodes for prevention. Br Homoeopath J 1986 Jan;75(1):11-4

  8. Day C. Clinical trials in veterinary work. Comm Br Homoeopath Res Grp 1984 Feb;11:28-31

  9. Day CE. Homoeopathy in cattle practice, some food for thought. Brit Cattle Vet Assoc Proc. Beecham Animal Health 1985 1983 :217-220

  10. Day CE. Prevention of stillbirth in pigs using homoeopathy. Vet Rec 1984 ;114: 216

  11. Guajardo-Bernal G,Searcy-Bernal R,Soto-Avila J. Growth-promoting effect of Sulphur 201c in pigs. Br Homoeopath J 1996 Jan;85(1):15-16

  12. Knafl P. Comparison of classical homeopathy and medroxyprogesterone acetate in the treatment of inadequately trained house cats. HomInt R&D Newsletter 1999 ;2

  13. Kumar V,Joshi HC,Kumar M. Therapeutic trials in buffaloes naturally infected with microfilariae of Setaria cervi. J Vet Parasitology 1989 ;3(2):125-129

  14. Larson LJ,Wynn S,Schultz RD. A canine parvovirus nosode study. Proceedings of the Second Annual Midwest Holistic Veterinary Conference, November 2-3, 1996, Milwaukee 1996 ;November 2-3

  15. Mahe F,Grandmontagne Y,Riaucourt A. Traitement prenatal sur des truies gestantes. Cahiers de biotherapie 1995 Jun-Jul;(134):55-62

  16. Mahe F. Double-blind pathogenic trial of the homoeopathic remedy Arsenicum album inthe rabbit. Int J Vet Homoeopath 1986 Oct;1(2): 15-25

  17. Merck CC,Sonnenwald B,Rollwage H. Untersuchungen uber den Einsatz homoopathischer Arzneimittel zur Behandlung akuter Mastitiden beim Rind. Berlin Muenchentiermed Wschr 1989 ;102(8):266-272

  18. Perot,Mahe F. Comparaison d'un traitement homeopathique et d'un placebo dans un cas collectif de staphyloccie chronique chez le lapin. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire 1988 :789-790

  19. Sandoval CH,Morfin LL,Lopez BB. Preliminary research for testing Baptisia tinctoria 30c effectiveness against salmonellosis in first and second quality broiler chickens. Br Homoeopath J 1998 ;Jul;87(3):131-4

  20. Searcy R,Reyes O,Guajardo G. Control of subclinical bovine mastitis: utilization of ahomoeopathic combination. Br Homoeopath J 1995 Apr;84(2):67-70

  21. Sharma ML,Kansal ML,Ichhponani JS. Efficiency of some homoeopathic feed additives for commercial broilers. Indian J Anim Prod Mgmt 1986 ;2(1):30-34

  22. Sommer H. Influence of homeopathic treatment on the biochemistry of "tying up syndrome" Animal Clinical Biochemistry :323-331

  23. Sommer H,Erbe U,Wirth F. The efficiency of preventive homeopathic treatment of post-parturient diseases of dairy cattle. IVth Congress of the International Society for Animal Clinical Biochemistry (Davis, Ca, 1990) 1990 :143-150

  24. Taylor SM,Mallon TR,Green WP. Efficacy of a homoeopathic prophylaxis against experimental infection of calves by the bovine lungworm Dictyocaulus viviparus. Vet Rec 1989 Jan7;124(1):15-7

  25. Trehan PK,Singh B,Dhir DS. Effect of some homoeopathic and an allopathic preparation on growth and feed efficiency in broilers. Indian J Poult Sci 1985 ;20(1):61-62

  26. Velke H. Einsatz verschiedener Homoopathika zur Prophylaxe von Erkrankungen des Partussyndroms als Instrument zur Gesunderhaltung von Milchviehherden. Biologische Tiermedizin 1988 ;5(4):113-116

  27. Williamson AV,Mackie WL,Crawford WJ,Rennie B. A trial of Sepia 200: prevention of anoestrus problems in dairy cows. Br Homoeopath J 1995 Jan;84(1):14-20

  28. Wolter H. Wirksamkeitsnachweis von Caullophyllum D30 bei der Wehenschwache des Schweines im doppelten Blindversuch. Allgem Homoopath Zeit 1966 ;211:196

  29. Wynn SG. Studies on use of homeopathy in animals. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1998 ;212(5):719-724

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